Friday, April 08, 2011


Two new trailers have caught my eye today.

Melancholia from Zentropa on Vimeo.

MELANCHOLIA - Lars Von Trier's new film is, apparently, a 'psychological drama-cum-disaster-movie'. It looks radically different from anything Von Trier has tackled before, and I can't wait to see how the great auteur works with the themes of apocalypse within the melodrama that the trailer suggests. He has managed to amass an impressive cast for the film (Kirsten Dunst, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Charlotte Rampling, both Stellan and Alexander Skarsgard, John Hurt and Kiefer Sutherland) but really, if this bares any relation to other Von Trier films, then we won't know anything about the film until its release, and possibly nothing afterwards! But it's guaranteed to be an interesting watch- out on July 1st.


CRAZY, STUPID, LOVE - This comedy/drama caught my eye because it has one of my favourite actors (Ryan Gosling), one of my favourite actresses (Julianne Moore), one of my favourite young acting talents (Emma Stone), and a guy that I loved in Anchorman (Steve Carell). It also looks like it might produce some genuine laughs and some genuine tears. We'll see!


I watched Serenity tonight. Not Joss Whedon's best. Definitely felt like I needed to be a fan of Firefly to really 'get' it. I did get more and more into it as it went on though. And Nathan Fillion rocks. And it only cost me 99p. Aaaaaand, I love Buffy far too much to ever begrudge Joss Whedon anything. 3/5.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

March/April 2011

Seeing as its been around 5012 days (possibly a slight exaggeration) since my last blog post I feel I was due to write a new one. I feel like I start every post at the moment with some sort of acknowledgement of the fact that I haven't written one in ages, so I'm gonna try and actually make it a bit more of a regular occurence now. I figure part of the problem is that each time I go to write one I feel the need to make it some long essay that takes forever to write. So from now on, it's gonna be shorter, but more regular blog posts from me!


On the uni front, I'm all done for the Easter holidays now and trying to make the most of them. On a more scary note I am also pretty much done lesson-wise at university now! No more university seminars, EVER. Only a couple of little dissertation tutorials to attend in the week or two after the Easter hols and then that's it until my big disso deadline on the 23rd May (after which I may consume my body weight in alcohol). Dissertations are going ok - I'm well on my way with my favourite one, the vampire/Twilight one, and am hoping to get that finished to a certain extent by the end of Easter hols, which should be an achievable target. That would leave me with just under a month to start and finish my other dissertation (for the Cinema and the Real course). That one has proved more difficult - I took ages to decide on a subject, but have finally gone for themes of the real and the surreal within Lynch and Aronofsky films - but is in the planning and researching stage and should be finished on time. Suffice to say, I cannot wait for these dissertations to be done!


Easter holidays are well under way and I am trying to fill mine with as much productiveness as possible. I feel I can't really justify having six weeks off if I don't try and make the absolute most of it. As well as of course the aforementioned dissertations, I am also trying to keep myself busy with lots more writings of various kinds. That will mean hopefully a fair few of these blog posts. I'm trying to get my CV written up to a decent standard so that I can send it off to a few places in Southampton ready for when I move there in July. Hopefully I'll be able to get something nice to tide me over for that year while I try and build up some film contacts (and some money!). I'm trying to get my film script finished (at least a 1st draft of it) by the end of April - this may be a target too far but I'm gonna give it a go! Seeing as it's an idea that's been buzzing around my head since I was about 15 I think I'd be letting myself down if I didn't ever get it down into a finished screenplay. I'm over a third of the way through it so hopefully it won't be TOO long until it's done and dusted! I'm also trying to get to the cinema as often as possible in these holidays - I saw Limitless (3/5) last week, Sucker Punch (3/5) yesterday and then at the weekend I'm going to be seeing Source Code and Route Irish. In amongst all this, the sun has been shining and I'm trying to make the most of it and my friends through these holidays. Hopefully gonna make it to the beach soon!


Plenty more blog posts on the way!