Things are progressing steadily on Our Last Summer, my feature film that I'm planning to make in 2012. I have started a pre-production diary which is helping me to make sure that I do things every single day. Ideally, there should not be a day that goes by when I do not do something (however small) towards the pre-production stage of the film. I am now around 80 pages through the first draft of the screenplay, a fairly advanced stage - although it looks like it is going to be considerably longer than I had first anticipated! For those who are unaware, screenplays usually average out at around a minute of screen time per page. So with what I have currently written, I have around 80 mins of screen time, not too far off an hour and a half. As I don't wish the film to go too far past this mark I will be wrapping the script up as soon as possible and sending it to my producer. After this point it's full steam ahead! Casting auditions will be taking place on 8/9 October in both Portsmouth and Southampton, so if you are local and are interested in taking part in a feature film (main characters, secondary characters and extras all required) then please come along. We have booked Groundlings Theatre in Portsmouth for the 9th October - should provide a great base for the auditions. The Southampton location is TBA. I am also currently scouting out local bands and singers to appear on the film's soundtrack, as well as graphic designers to design the film's logo. So if any of this would be of interest to you or someone you know, please keep me informed! Would be great to get as many people from the area involved as possible. We will be looking for runners and extras in due course, as well as more vital roles in the crew.
I have just started up a Twitter page for Our Last Summer - twitter.com/#!/olsmovie
Please check it out for all updates on the film and to let me know if you wish to be involved in any way.
I found out the other day that my short film, Whirlwind Summer Romance, was screened at the Ventnor Fringe Festival 2011, Isle of Wight at the weekend, and was apparently well received! Although I was disappointed to only find out about this after the event (as I would've quite liked to have attended), it's still great to know that the film notched up its first festival appearance and went down well with its audience. All a good start! The short film will also be shown at Shorts:Cut 2011 in Portsmouth - its screening takes place on the 24th September at the lovely Kings Theatre, Southsea. I will be attending this particular night and look forward to seeing my film on the big screen, as well as the other films made by local talent. These festival evenings may also provide a great chance to begin promoting my feature film. There should also hopefully be another couple of chances for Whirlwind screenings, too, with several expected to get back to me over the coming months with regards to my submission. I am hopeful of being in some way involved with the upcoming Southampton Film Week, which runs from October 7th-16th. It seems I may have a good chance of seeing Whirlwind screened there too.
WEBSITE - www.sofair.org.uk
TWITTER - twitter.com/#!/sofair2011
FACEBOOK - www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002227401698
Now if someone would like to give me one of those jobs that pay too that'd be just great!
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