It's been a looooong time since my last blog post, and realising this made me sad. Ergo (finally, a chance to write 'ergo' in a blog post!) here is an update on all the things that are making me tick and tock at this current moment in time.

FILM STUFF - October saw the cast auditions for my upcoming feature film Our Last Summer. A very very exciting time for me - my first ever auditions! So I got my Simon Cowell on and spent the day watching over the hugely talented young actors and actresses that came through the doors of Groundlings Theatre (big props to them for allowing us to use their space). After a lot of thinking and hard decision making, I got my main cast! They are, as follows - Jordan Curry (playing Alex Griffin), Jackson Batchelor (Jonny Gilding), Sam Mason Bell (Will Castle), Laura Hannawin (Jodie Walker) and Alice Young (Becky Howard). I'm very happy with them all and I can't wait to see them bring to life my characters on screen. On December 11th I will be getting the main cast of Our Last Summer together for the first time, for a photoshoot and general meet-up in Portsmouth. Once photos have been taken and edited then the first official poster for the film can be designed and used on all future online and physical publicity. I'm also in the process of getting bands and musicians together to contribute songs to the film's soundtrack. This week I am beginning the storyboarding process, something that is going to take a long time but will ultimately be very worthwhile, so I can decide exactly how I want the film to look. It's going to be special!

JOB - Since the beginning of October I have been working at Debenhams in Southampton. After a couple of months of searching it was great to finally get a job and get some money rolling in. It keeps me nice and busy and gives me a good structure to my weeks. I've made some great mates there already and it's also helped me make the most of my free time, allowing me to catch up with people who matter, as well as working on my film stuff.

AMERICA - In October I got to go on the trip of a lifetime, spending eleven days in New England, USA to celebrate my Mum's birthday. It was something that will stay with me forever - so many fantastic experiences all squished into such a short space of time. I'm going to leave this section brief, as I plan to at some point return with a blog post all about my trip, including a short description of what I did each day and of course some photos!
GENERAL - I celebrated my 22nd birthday this month (I know, expecting to lose my hair any day now), and it was as special as ever. The night before my birthday I had loads of my mates round the flat in Southampton, for pre drinks and then onto a club. A great night was had by all (we think). Needs to be repeated, ASAP. I had a lovely 3 course meal at Bella Italia. Got lots of great presents, and had a generally really good one! Hmm, what else? Well, I'm looking forward to Christmas, OF COURSE. Buying all my presents, spending far too much time at the German market in Southampton, etc etc. Off to London with the girlfriend next week for our usual pre-Xmas capital trip - Hyde Park's Winter Wonderland is most definitely on the cards. The flat is still wonderful - I am loving every minute of being there. I managed to get tickets for The Stone Roses' reunion gig in Manchester next summer, which is going to be fantastic. I'm also currently planning a few more ticket-related thingys for 2012 - lots to be excited about!
2011 has quite possibly been the best year of my life so far. There's been downs, of course, but so many ups that I couldn't possibly begin to list them all. It's gone crazy quick, but it's been really fantastic. My hopes for 2012 are high! Who knows what it'll bring, but I'm sure it will be full of surprises and never dull.
So, will it be another 2 and a half months until my next blog post? No, absolutely not. Within the next week you will have the wonderful pleasure of reading my Review of 2011 in film terms! To give you a flavour of what to expect, why not have a gander at my Review of 2010 blog post -
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